Journal Articles
​Shih-Han Huang, Khalid Mahmud, and Chia-Jeng Chen* (2022, Mar). Meaningful trendin climate time series: A discussion based on linear and smoothing techniques fordrought analysis in Taiwan. Atmosphere, 13(3), p.444.
Pin-Lun Li, Liao-Fan Lin, and Chia-Jeng Chen* (2021, Nov). Hydrometeorological assessment of satellite and model precipitation products over Taiwan. Journal ofHydrometeorology, 2(11), pp.2897-2915.
Khalid Mahmud and Chia-Jeng Chen* (2021, Jul). Space- and time-varying associations between Bangladesh's seasonal rainfall and large-scale climate oscillations. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 145, 1347–1367.
Pei-Yuan Chen, Ching-Pin Tung, Jung-Hsuan Tsao, and Chia-Jeng Chen (2021, May). Assessing future rainfall intensity-duration-frequency characteristics across Taiwan using the k-nearest neighbor method. Water, 13(11), 1521.
Shao-Chun Tseng, Chia-Jeng Chen*, and Sharika U.S. Senarath (2020, Aug). Evaluation of multi-site precipitation generators across scales. International Journal of Climatology, 40, 4638–4656. DOI: 10.1002/joc.6480.
Chia-Jeng Chen*, Chu-Chun Chen, Min-Hui Lo, Jehn-Yih Juang, and Che-Min Chang (2020, Feb). Central Taiwan’s hydroclimate in response to land use/cover change. Environmental Research Letters, 15, 034015.
Dong-Sing Shih, Chia-Jeng Chen*, Ming-Hsu Li, Cheng-Shin Jang, Che-Min Chang, Yuan-Ya Liao (2019, Feb). Statistical and numerical assessments of groundwater resource subject to excessive pumping: Case study in Southwest Taiwan. Water, 11(2), 360.
Chia-Jeng Chen*, Tsung-Yu Lee, Che-Min Chang, and Jun-Yi Lee (2018, Mar). Assessing typhoon damages to Taiwan in the recent decade: return period analysis and loss prediction. Natural Hazards, 91(2), 759–783.
Chia-Jeng Chen and Tsung-Yu Lee (2017, Jul). Variations in the correlation between teleconnections and Taiwan's streamflow. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 3463–3481.
Chia-Jeng Chen, Sharika U.S. Senarath, Ioana M. Dima West, and Marc P. Marcella (2017, Jan). Evaluation and restructuring of gridded precipitation data over the Greater Mekong Subregion. International Journal of Climatology, 37(1), 180–196.
Chia-Jeng Chen and Aris P. Georgakakos (2015, Aug). Seasonal prediction of East African rainfall. International Journal of Climatology, 35(10), 2698–2723.
Chia-Jeng Chen and Aris P. Georgakakos (2014, Jun). Hydro-climatic forecasting using sea surface temperatures—methodology and application for the Southeast U.S. Climate Dynamics, 42, 2955-2982.
Chen C-J*, Chi M-H, Ye J-R (2023, Nov). Assessing hydroclimate response to land
use/cover change using coupled atmospheric-hydrological models. Geoscience Letters,
10(54), p.1–12. -
Kan C-Y, Tsai C-C, Chen C-J (2023, Mar). Simple method for probabilistic seismic
landslide hazard analysis based on seismic hazard curve and incorporating uncertainty
of strength parameters. Engineering Geology, 314, p.107002. -
Lee T-Y, Chiu C-C, Chen C-J*, Lin C-Y, Shiah F-K (2023, Feb). Assessing future
availability of water resources in Taiwan based on the Budyko framework. Ecological
Indicators, 146, p.109808. -
Chen C-J*, Bao S (2023, Jan). Hydro-climatic trends, variability, and regime shifts.
Atmosphere, 14(2), p.198. -
Tsai C-C, Huang L-Y, Chen C-J (2023, Jan). Earthquake- induced persistent and
instantaneous groundwater variations caused by volumetric strain of soil in Taiwan from
1999 to 2020. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 164, p.1–10.
Conference Proceedings
Chia-Jeng Chen and Pin-Lun Li (2019, Dec). Evaluation of GPM- and Model-Based Precipitation over Taiwan. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA.
Pin-Lun Li and Chia-Jeng Chen (2019, Jul). Assessment of WRF and IMERG Precipitation over Taiwan. AOGS 16th Annual Meeting, Singapore.
Yan-Cheng Chen and Chia-Jeng Chen (2019, Jul). Assessment of weather generators at fine spatiotemporal scales. AOGS 16th Annual Meeting, Singapore.
Chih-Yun Yu and Chia-Jeng Chen (2019, Apr). Flood simulation and loss estimate subject to land use/cover changes based on coupled 1D-2D analysis and neural networks. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.
Pei-Pei Chuang and Chia-Jeng Chen (2019, Apr). Application of data-preprocessing and -driven methods for irrigation water prediction. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.
Chia-Jeng Chen, Tsung Yu Lee, Chih-Yun Yu, and Che-Min Chang (2018, Dec). Predicting typhoon losses in Taiwan: From data-driven to detailed modeling. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA.
Chia-Jeng Chen, Chu-Chun Chen, Che-Min Chang, Jehn-Yih Juang, and Min-Hui Lo (2017, Aug). Understanding the impact of land use/cover changes on regional climate modeling for Taiwan. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting, Singapore.
Shao-Chun Tseng and Chia-Jeng Chen (2017, Aug). Intercomparison of stochastic weather generators using rainfall data in Taiwan. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting, Singapore.
Chia-Jeng Chen (2017, Apr). Seasonal prediction of Taiwan's streamflow using teleconnection patterns. 19th EGU General Assembly, EGU 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Chia-Jeng Chen (2016, May). Temporal disaggregation of seasonal forecasting for streamflow simulation. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Chia-Jeng Chen, Dumindu L. Jayasekera, and Sharika U.S. Senarath (2015, May). Assessing uncertainty in precipitation and hydrological modeling in the Mekong. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015, Austin, Texas.
Chia-Jeng Chen and Sharika U.S. Senarath (2014, Jun). Implications of SRTM and ASTER-based DEMs on hydrologic responses at various catchment scales. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014, Portland, Oregon.